Friday, January 05, 2007


the creativity bug has bit me hard and it's like there's a rash all over my body that needs to be scratched. when this happens i know that i should just call off work and stay home and get it out of my system, but that wasn't in the cards today.

instead, i filled my office bag with tear sheets from magazines and printouts from the internet in hopes that while my boss is at his business lunch, i will be able to get some ideas down on paper. when they're loose in my head, organizing the plan is all but impossible. concrete drawings and descriptions make the concepts feel real and doable to me.

i'm thinking in spring colors now -- jewel tones are so 5 minutes ago. i've seen some fabulous things that have planted a seed in my imagination and the germination is about complete. hopefully on monday i'll have a few new things to share.

of course, there will be more of the oldies but goodies. fabric cards will be back as will more brooches (with an added bit of pizazz). and i've set a goal for myself to create at least three new purses (knit and/or recycled felt) each weekend (the embellishments are going to be even bigger and better). and, i'm seriously thinking about jewelry again. i know, i know...that's a big list. but when the wave hits you, you have no choice but to grab your surfboard and ride straight onto shore. hopefully, you'll swim out again and catch another sweet curl. (are you tired of the surfing analogy yet?)


if you're one of the folks patiently waiting for a brooch from me (hi, angelica and kim), chances are your patience will finally pay off this weekend.

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