yes, i'm back again.
thanks to everyone who left comments and made me feel welcome and not like a ding-dong for being gone for so long. that was nice of you.
here are some of the things i think i've learned from nathaniel's first semester in college:
1. we did a pretty good job raising nathaniel (i think we already knew that) but it helps when your kid is able to assess what could have gone better in a given situation. it gives a parent confidence that the foundation the three of you built together is strong.
2. i like to cook. i am a good cook. i don't like fish sticks and blue box macaroni and cheese and i never, ever will. ina garten is my new superhero. (note to self, must learn how to cook for two!)
3. we need to work out (see number 2, above).
4. i am deeply in love with my husband (i already knew this too), but after the raw, new-ness of nathaniel's absence wore off, we settled into couple-dom again and it is wonderful.
i will post some pictures of a few finished objects very soon. i can't wait to share with all of you again!