Friday, August 25, 2006

dork out...

i can't get past the end of the month of august without wanting to buy new outfits and a ream of college-ruled paper. i want to shop at indiana's now defunct version of target, ayr-way, and fill my shopping cart full of corduroys, poorboy turtlenecks, stripey knee high socks and one sensible down filled vest. then i'd cruise the office supply aisle and fill the child seat of my cart with a rainbow of folders, a school box, a pink eraser, and a denimn covered three-ring binder. while standing at the check out i'd pull a "16" magazine off the rack and drop it on top of my other guilty reading pleasure, "seventeen."

once home, i'd throw everything onto a dogpile on my bed and daydream about parker stevenson (who was WAY cuter than shaun cassidy...duh!) and try to figure out how to french braid my own hair (btw...never did figure that out).

now, with a sixteen year old boy in my home, school supply shopping lasts all of about 13 minutes...randomly pulling notebooks off the shelf, buying one mega-pack of pens and no less than seven, plain, white binders. what can i say? he has a unique organizational style. he's not into new clothes--he'd much rather thrift or buy vintage (i don't know WHERE he gets that from), so i'm denied the nostalgic trip to the dressing room, arms laden with all manner of skirt, blouse, sweater, pant combos.

does anyone have a teenage girl i can borrow for the weekend? i'm dying to go school shopping.


Anonymous said...

Yes, check with Becky I am sure she wouldn't mind borrowing Kelly

Linda said...

you sound just like me...all the things i always loved and still do, but please...make that DAVID Cassidy. I'm so thankful for my little miss Mary Grace, as my boys were NO fun in this department either! Our back to school color palatte this year is browns with pastels...