Monday, November 07, 2005

thanks, boyz...

to the college-age boys in the dodge p.o.s. traveling northbound on 170 friday afternoon:

thanks for making this 40 year old mother of a teenage son feel 19 again.

i guess it might also have had something to do with the awesome pink car i was driving, but instead, i'll chalk up the honking, winking and waving to my devastating beauty and charm.

that way of thinking does wonders for my self-esteem!


firstborn studio said...

it was the hot chick{U}that made them notice the car!
when i was pregnant with my now 20 year old and as big as a car,i was driving a cherry red 68 malibu convertible...that did wonders for my hormonal thinking at that time!

bronxbt said...

after seeing your pics, you DON'T look a day over 19...


MB Shaw said...

You still got it baby!!!