Tuesday, October 03, 2006

almost finished...

here is the hat i spoke of yesterday and one of the wrist warmers.

although the wrist warmers are a simple flat pattern of garter stitch, the pattern from this book forced me to learn a couple of new techniques, one of them being the italian cast-on (thanks to the big book of knitting for the directions) and another was short rows (not hard to figure out at all); but i got stuck completely on the three needle bind-off and ended up just seaming the two finished ends to the inside. two outta three ain't bad.

why, dear reader, do self-portraits of me sporting finished knitted objects look so awful (need i remind everyone of the dreaded sock/leg picture)? i tried unsuccessfully to model the hat and wrist warmer and in the very best picture of the bunch i looked like one of those big-eyed little kids that was so popular in the 1970's--gigantic head and pin neck. be thankful i spared you from viewing that one!

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